
Design, implement, test and document a minimial working system.

This challenge was created to check your familiarity with common concepts, standard metodologies and tools used in everyday development.

We assume you can use:

  • Google to search for documentation
  • GNU/Linux as primary development platform
  • git for version control
  • bash and standard command-line tools like cat, grep, ps, etc.
  • terminal-based text editor like emacs or vi
  • Doxygen for api reference documentation
  • MkDocs, Markdown and LaTeX for general documentation
  • C++ as primary programming language (including features introduced in C++11 and C++14)
  • g++ as primary compiler for C++ (and gdb for debugging)
  • QtCreator as primary IDE (andqmake/cmake to build projects)
  • standard C++ libraries like boost and Qt


You should also know and understand the difference between clean and noisy code.

General requirements

  • C++ and cross-platform
  • TCP/IP communication between the library and the server
  • custom protocol (application layer)
  • server works as system service
  • client application with graphical user interface using Qt


Following diagram shows all components.

uml diagram


User is able to:

  • create new event
  • view all events

The user should be notified whenever new event is created on the server.


Custom designed protocol over TCP/IP. Events are created only by connected clients.


A record in the database represents an event and must have 3 fields:

  • timestamp
  • priority
  • text


You can use any database you like but it must be available for all major platforms (including embedded GNU/Linux).

Final notes

The challenge is intentionally loosely defined. You are free to use time-series database instead of relational database if you wish. You can implement authentication and/or authorization. You can add support for syslog on unix platforms. You can add encryption layer to the protocol. You can use some serialization framework like protocol-buffers to implement the protocol or maybe you wish to define it in EBNF and implement a parser with boost::spirit. It is up to you. Show us what you can do in reasonable short time.

If you have any questions regarding this challenge, please send mail directly to: pmason@energotest.com.pl.